Certificate Course in Entrepreneurship (CCE)
Q.1: What is Certificate Course in Entrepreneurship (CCE)?
Ans: Certificate Course in Entrepreneurship (CCE) is an Entrepreneurship course offered by CSC Academy & Indian School of Business, Hyderabad.
Q.2: What is CSC Academy?
Ans: CSC Academy is a society under the Societies Registration Act 1860 (Act 21 of 1860) having its registered office in Delhi.
Q.3: What is Indian School of Business (ISB)?
Ans: Indian School of Business (ISB) is a top ranked global B-school offering world class management education, ISB through its Srini Raju Centre for IT and Networked Economy (SRITNE), a multidisciplinary research centre esteemed at fostering rigorous and relevant research, education and outreach that advances our understanding of how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) create value for business and society. SRITNE was launched in July 2006.
Q.4: What is the eligibility criterion for Certificate Course in Entrepreneurship (CCE)?
Ans: Any general citizen, student, professional or housewife who intends to become an Entrepreneur can apply for the course.
Q.5: Where can Candidate register for the Certificate Course in Entrepreneurship (CCE)?
Ans: Candidate can register by logging in to http://www.cscentrepreneur.in
Q.6: How much is the fee for Certificate Course in Entrepreneurship (CCE)?
Ans: Rs 1300/- + GST (non refundable)
Q.7: What is the duration of the training program?
Ans: The duration of the training program is 40 hours.
Q.8: No. of Modules covered under Certificate Course in Entrepreneurship (CCE)?
Ans: Total no. 10 Modules covered under Certificate Course in Entrepreneurship (CCE).
1: Entrepreneurship Module
2: Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Character Module
3: Identifying business opportunities Module
4: Understanding Cost Structures Module
5: Long term orientation Module
6: Recording Business Transactions Module
7: Basic Financial Terms Module
8: Accounting and Business Reporting Module
9: Marketing Education Handling Questions Concerns Module
10: Marketing Education Value